Welcome to the Collinsville State High School website. This site is designed to provide general information to students parents and the wider community about our school including teaching staff, curriculum and assessment programs, policies and procedures and important events.
Collinsville State High School is first and foremost a place of learning. All activities at the school are undertaken with this primary value in mind. We have high standards of expectation regarding student’s attendance, behaviour and participation.
At Collinsville State High School, students will experience:
- instruction from teachers who are committed to achieving the best possible educational outcomes for students through quality curriculum and assessment programs
- a consistent instructional approach across the school that clearly details learning intentions and success criteria and models what students are expected to know and do a consistent instructional approach across the school that clearly details learning intentions and success criteria and models what students are expected to know and do
- a whole school wellbeing program designed to develop students in to happy, healthy and confident young adults whole school wellbeing program designed to develop students in to happy, healthy and confident young adults
- authentic leadership opportunities
- quality facilities
I am proud to be the Principal of Collinsville State High School and enjoy supporting our staff as they contribute to the future success of our local young people. Enjoy browsing our pages and learning about our school.
Kind regards,
Anna Reeves